Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Happy with Disappointment!

I think that's what my English teacher would have called a double negative? I can't remember... sounds right...

But I am Happy with some disappointing news. lol

Several weeks back I applied yet again for a different position at my work. (I currently am what's called a Facility Tech. It's a glorified name for house keeping) The first job I applied for at the hospital was an Admitting Rep. (front Desk) I later applied for 3 different Facility Tech jobs, in which I finally got one of them! Been working Since March of this year. I like my job, minus the physical aspect of it. It's not bad, it's just wear and tear on my body I rather not do. BUT it's a job and I like that!

Back to the job I applied for again... I applied for the 3rd time for the Admitting Rep., 2 times I have interviewed for the position.  This position would be an on call shift, which isn't the best but I was looking forward to doing something different.

Last week I interviewed. Felt really good about it. It's a great feeling to leave things in God's hands and not my own. Part of me was concerned what an on-call job would do to the family. Like homeschooling, life in general... but I wanted to stretch myself and learn something new!

I have been signing into my "account" checking the status of my application all this week and today there was a change... The disappointing change.... I was not chosen for the job. Someone with more qualifications was chosen. Even though there was a part of me that was a wee bit sad, the other part of me, a BIGGER part of me was super happy. I put myself out there and even interviewed (which I do not find easy)!

But I am SO SO HAPPY! I DO like the fact I know when I work. I DO like the fact I know my hours and they are the same every day I work. (Sorta. That's another blog) I am very favored with the clinics I "take care of". MOSTLY, I know how much my pay check is every month unless I work MORE hours... I can count on that income every single month! (Unless I sprain my ankle and can't work for 5 weeks. But how often does THAT happen!? HA HA HA) Those few things make me so so happy!

So yes I am HAPPY with DISAPPOINTMENT!  I love finding the joy in growing and stretching!

The part I am excited about is continuing to be "free" on set days to pursue my "love"!


Monday, August 29, 2011


Learn the art of patience. Apply discipline to your thoughts when they become anxious over the outcome of a goal. Impatience breeds anxiety, fear, discouragement and failure. Patience creates confidence, decisiveness, and a rational outlook, which eventually leads to success.

Brian Adams
Came across this quote and thought it was so good! How so true it is. 
Patience is a hard thing to have. I don't have much patience when it comes to some things.
Yet I know God is dealing with me so so often with having patience! 

Need to have patience with my children, need to have patience with family, co-workers, friends, people in line at the store, the person in front of me at the light who has yet to see it's green! The list can go on and on. lol
But what's the rush, what's the urgency? There really never is a rush, or dire need to rush.... But the one I struggle with most.... is patience with my kids. What is it with kids? They know exactly what to do to get under your skin! I have this ringtone I found online that is this voice saying "mom, mom, momma, mom, momma....." on and on it goes... I love it because it sounds just like my youngest. It's like he doesn't think I heard him the first million times! I love my kids, but boy do I look forward to this stage being gone. Whatever "stage" this is! 

This summer has been one of patience for me as well. Looked like so many things were coming me at once and BAM! Accident at work, landed me with the inability to walk for 3 weeks! Uh hello! But I learned quickly and acknowledge God in all of it! I sprained my ankle so bad I couldn't work for 5 weeks. The answer to then unanswered! Hubby is getting so much work at work, that he was working 70-80 hours a week. We were unsure how to juggle the kids with both of us working. That was the answer.... I get to be home! Not the most fun way to spend time at home, but I was home. Still having to have patience with my ankle daily. It's a reminder to slow down and take in the beauty around me. 

As continue to learn to be patient I try and teach my kids the same thing. I think they learn best from watching their parents, family, those around them struggle with things and have to admit, "hey even as adults we don't know everything!" 

So here I sit, having patients for something yet again (I think it's a daily event).... I will fill you in when I have to wait no longer... till then... 

My adorable Nephew and I <3